"Mein Reich ist die Werkstatt" - so Alessandro

What’s waiting for you?

Lots of sports and action!

Feeling inspired to start your apprenticeship with us after watching this video with our Bründl apprentices from Kaprun? Then send us an email and book your trial day today.
We’re excited to meet you!


Videodreh, Lehrlinge, Sportgerätefachkraft

What does a sports equipment specialist do at Bründl?Was eine Sportgerätefachkraft bei uns macht?Was eine Sportgerätefachkraft bei uns macht?

Interview with Selina and AndiInterview mit Selina und AndiInterview mit Selina und Andi

Our apprentices Selina from Saalfelden and Andi from Kaprun answer the most important questions about this exciting new apprenticeship.

Unsere Lehrlinge Selina aus Saalfelden und Andi aus Kaprun beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen zum neuen Lehrberuf.

Unsere Lehrlinge Selina aus Saalfelden und Andi aus Kaprun beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen zum neuen Lehrberuf.

Sportgerätefachkraft, Interview, Lehrlinge

Things you will be involved with on a daily basis

Of course, each year of your apprenticeship will have different areas of focus. But everything you learn leads logically from one step to the next. Year by year, your know-how, experience and self-confidence in sales will grow. Here is just a small excerpt of some of the activities:

  • Adjustments and customization of sports equipment and gear

  • Analyzing malfunctions in sports devices

  • Servicing, repairing, and assembling sports equipment

  • Advising customers

  • Ski fitting and running shoe consultations

  • Repairing and assembling bikes

  • Conducting fault diagnostics on e-bikes

  • Mounting ski bindings

  • Stringing tennis rackets

  • And so much more…

Trial Day at Bründl Sports - here´s how

Get a real feel for what an apprenticeship with us is like – it’s possible!
There are 3 ways to get started:

Drop by one of our shops and set up an appointment
Send an email to Katarina Gori: lehrlinge@bruendl.at
Give Katarina a call at +43 676 37 36 450

We’re excited to hear from anyone who’s interested!

Lehrling bei der Ski Beratung