Want more details? Our pleasure!

Beginner Course
9:00 AM to 10:30 AM
1.5 hours | Group: Beginners | Ages 5 - 9
No prior knowledge required. The course includes getting familiar with the bike, basic positions, braking, turning, pump track, and many games.

Technique Course
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
1.5 hours | Group: Technique | Ages 10 - 18
Basic knowledge required. The content includes basic positions, cornering techniques, dropping, pump track, overcoming obstacles, and jumping.

Jump Technique Course
5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
1.5 hours | Group: Jump Technique | Ages 10+
Prior knowledge required, but not necessarily on a jump line. The course covers jump techniques on small and medium jump lines, whips, pressing jumps, and possibly no-handers.

What You Need:

  • Your own bike
  • Helmet (mandatory!)
  • Something to drink (as needed)
  • Additional protective gear such as gloves, pads, full-face helmet & neck brace (especially recommended for the jump line)

Participation only with online pre-registration:

Register for Beginner Course
Register for Technique Course
Register for Jump Technique Course

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