From the beginning till the end...
You can also follow @bruendlsports & #bruendlflagship2021 on Instagram to keep up with construction progress.

After a two-year planning period, construction had been planned with meticulous attention to every detail and was scheduled to begin on 16 March 2020. But due to the totally new situation (i.e. the corona pandemic), the start had to be postponed. Restrictions in all areas of daily life, particularly those affecting the building trade & tourism, the high investment volume… Days-long discussions, evaluations, re-planning begin.
We began by demolishing the building on the south side. It’s still open to question when we will actually begin the building phase.

Why we intend to follow through on our building project despite the current situation:
- We intend to live up to our responsibilities and keep our promises to the local community, neighbors, general contractors, craftsmen etc.
- We believe in the future of extraordinary in-person shopping experiences in a compelling retail setting
- Even in difficult times such as these, our values – courage, confidence, vision – continue to be embodied in our actions
- After the corona crisis especially, we want to be even stronger and more unique than ever

In the last two weeks, our building on the south side has been almost completely removed.

With the completion of the demolition works of the old buildings and the breakdown of Nikolaus Gassner Straße the expansion of the underground parking starts.

The aerial photograph gives a bigger picture of the extend of the construction site of the new flagship store

Drone footage of the construction site in Kaprun.

Completion of the concrete ceiling for the basement with the new ski & hardware competency center and a much bigger underground parking.

the concrete ceiling of the first floor is done and in the underground parking the first lines and wires are being installed.
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Schon vier Etagen des Rohbaus sind fertiggestellt und die Baustelle vor dem Store wieder immer kleiner.
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Die Straße vor unserem Flagshipstore wird wieder geöffnet. Der Rohbau ist kurz vor der Fertigstellung und man kann bereits die Dimension des neuen Flagshipstores und sogar die neue Dachterrasse mit einmaliger Aussicht erkennen.

Now we can also see progress inside our new flagship store. Even access to the roof terrace is possible already. Even though just for construction worker.

Neben den Fertigstellungen der Haustechnik von UG1 bis OG3, enstehen schon die ersten Wände für die Werkstätten im Untergeschoss.

Ein Highlight des neuen Flagshipstores wird sichtbar. Der neue Glassteg mit Blick über Kaprun und auf das Kitzsteinhorn wird angeliefert und im vierten Stock installiert.

The assembly of the new facade began at the end of April. We opted for a local silver fir for the facade. The facade should then be completely installed by mid-July. How much do you like the new facade on the left part?

At the end of May, the existing part was extended again to the right. As a result, even more sales area could be gained and the stairs are now steeper.

In genau 50 Tagen wird unser neuer Flagshipstore in Kaprun eröffnet. Die Fassade ist bereits fertig und auch das Gerüst wurde demontiert. An der Erweiterung an der rechten Seite wurde das Glas montiert und die Fassade ergänzt. Im Inneren wird gerade der Ladenbau installiert.

In 30 Tagen können wir unseren neuen Flagshipstore eröffnen. Im Shop ist der Ladenbau bereits sehr weit fortgeschritten. Die Küche in der Gastronomie ist bereits vollständig installiert. Jetzt geht es in die finale Phase.

The store fixture is nearly finished - we already started to put the products into the shelves. Final countdown.

New Flagshipstore
Your experience starts here!
A dream of many years will now become reality. On 1 October 2021, our new Bründl Sports Flagship Store will open in the heart of Kaprun. On roughly 2500 m², your sporting experience, your adventure, your vacation, your timeout will begin. Let yourself be inspired!