Leonidas sports gala 2019: review
Rookie of the Year presented by Bründl Sports
800 guests from the worlds of sport, business, culture and politics took up the invitation of the Salzburger Nachrichten (a Salzburg newspaper) on 4th April and turned up to amadeus terminal 2 of Salzburg Airport, to celebrate the most successful Salzburg athletes at the Leonidas Sports Gala.
Marcel Hirscher was awarded the Golden Lion as the Best Male Athlete from Salzburg for the seventh time in a row. For the women, the Golden Lion went to footballer Sarah Zadrazil. As it was last year, the Lion for Rookie of the Year was awarded by Christoph Bründl. This year, downhill mountain biker Valentina Höll, from Saalbach, was celebrated as the Best Young Athlete. Vali Höll‘s achievements already include two rookie world championship titles, and last season she won all the World Cup races. In addition to the Golden Lion, Valentina Höll also won a shopping voucher worth EUR 1,000.00 from Bründl.