Sustainability Report 23/24

Our sustainability report is designed to give you an overview of our sustainability strategy. It presents how we have integrated sustainability into the company and provides insight into the development process of our sustainability strategy; This strategy consists of 8 material topics. We have defined a Vision for 2030, strategic goals, key performance indicators and milestones for each topic - you can find all the details in the report.

Sustainable Development Goals

We actively support the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs, which serve as a common thread for harmonized communication. These SDGs are the result of a summit held in September 2015, concluding with the passing of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. All 193 member states committed themselves to implementing these SDGs by the year 2030. At Bründl Sports are able to impact SDGs 3, 4, 8 , 10, 12, & 17 most and therefore intend to structure our own measures around them, regularly reporting on the progress we are making.


More about SDGs
SDGs Bründl Sports

B-Green Monday at Bründl Sports: Together for a green future!

News about sustainability at Bründl Sports

We remain true to our promise and are actively working towards a more sustainable future. On B-Green Monday, we start the week green together and whet your appetite for sustainable services or products and environmentally conscious projects at Bründl Sports. There is a lot to discover: The latest trends from sustainable brands that receive our B-Green logo, attractive promotions such as Jobrad or Bringer Bonus or ambitious team challenges from Bründl employees to take our B-Green mission to the next level.

Apprentices visit Gassner Entsorgung. Learning about waste separation and recycling management.
B-Green Monday Dezember: Mülltrennung & Kreislaufwirtschaft
The picture shows a Bründl Sports employee in the gym holding dumbbells.
B-Green Monday November: Fitnessstudio-Angebot für physische und mentale Fitness
Auf dem Bild steht ein Bründl Sports Mitarbeiter draußen auf einem Balkon oder einer Terrasse, lächelt und trägt eine blaue Bründl Sports-Jacke. Im Hintergrund sind Berge, grüne Hügel und ein blauer Himmel zu sehen.
B-Green Monday Oktober: Ski recyceln
Das Bild zeigt eine Bründl Sports Mitarbeiterin, die in einem Sportgeschäft steht und zwei Skier in den Händen hält. Sie trägt ein dunkelblaues T-Shirt mit einem "Bründl Sports"-Logo und eine weiße Shorts. Im Hintergrund sind verschiedene Sportartikel wie Jacken und Kleidung zu sehen.
B-Green Monday September: Frauen im Skiverleih
Bründl Sports employee infront of wastepaper basekt
B-Green Monday August: Abfallwirtschaft
Eine Bründl Mitarbeiterin erklärt was B-Green bedeutet
B-Green Monday Juli: Mitarbeitenden-Fluktuation
Bründl Sports Mitarbeiterin erläutert die Bedeutung von Arbeitsplatzqualität.
B-Green Monday Mai: B-Equal Team
B-Green Monday April: Klimaneutrales Unternehmen - Erklärung

The Bründl Sports sustainability promise

Download now!

You would like to read more about the Bründl Sports sustainability promise? No worries, you just can download our summary here. 

Bründl Sports Code of Conduct

Our values in working together

Here you can browse through our Bründl Sports code of conduct for our employees. Simply download it as a pdf.

Our partners & network

sign caritas


sign land Salzburg

federal state Salzburg

sign oegni


POW Protect our Winters

POW Protect our Winters

Logo Too Good To Go

Too Good To Go

Klima- und Energiemodell Region


Sustainability News

Interview about sustainability at Bründl Sports
04 Oct
Did you know... about our promise to the future?
Group picture of all participants of the sustainability days in Kaprun
06 Jul
Did you know...
Informations-Ecke zur Nachhaltigkeit im Bründl Sports Flagship Store
14 Apr
Did you know...
A family renting some ski by Bründl Sports.
13 Jan
Did you know...
People collecting garbage on the slope
01 Sep
Green Building: Bründl Flagshipstore ausgezeichnet
22 Jun
Green Building: Bründl Flagshipstore receives award
30 May
Bründl Sports - B Green
27 Dec
News from the Bründl Sports sustainability taskforce

Get involved & contact us

Together for a sustainable future. We look forward to receiving your ideas, feedback, suggestions, either by telephone or email.